
[Udacity] Data Streaming

Udacity Program

Kafka (figure)

Technologies used
Apache Kafka, Kafka Connect, KSQL, Faust Stream Processing, Spark Structured Streaming

About The Nanodegree

Data Streaming skill was gained to be prepared for the next era of data engineering. Learned how to analyze data in real-time using Apache Kafka and Spark, and build applications to process live insights from data at scale.

Program Details

During the program, we completed two courses with two projects. Each course had different aims and technologies used.

Course 1. Foundations of Data Streaming

This course aims to learn the fundamentals of stream processing, including how to work with the Apache Kafka ecosystem, data schemas, ApacheAvro, Kafka connects and REST proxy, KSQL, and Faust Streaming Process.

Associated exercise files and code can be found here

Project 1. Optimize Chicago Public Transit


Course 2. Streaming API Development and Documentation

In this course, the goal is to grow expertise in the components of streaming data systems and build a real-time analytics application. After this course, you will be able to identify Spark streaming (architecture and API) components, consume and process data from Apache Kafka with Spark Structured Streaming (including setting up and running a Spark Cluster), create a DataFrame as an aggregation of Source DataFrames, sink a composite DataFrame to Kafka, and visually inspect a data sink of accuracy.

The relevant codes for the listed description can be found here

Project 2. Evaluate Human Balance